Welcome to STEPdb
STEPdb is the database of the sub-cellular topology and localisation of the Escherichia coli polypeptides. Comprehensive annotation has resulted from a multi-combinatorial analysis including bioinformatics predictions, literature surveys, re-analysis of literature data, manual curation and searches in other databases. It integrates a wealth of information that includes reference structures, biophysical properties, intrinsic polypeptide features and extrinsic factors such as abundance, chaperones and export systems, domains and essentiality. STEPdb currently contains information on three E.coli strains: K-12, BL21 and the enteropathogenic EPEC. All datasets are freely available for download. In addition, STEPdb contains tools for de novo bioinformatics searches including: sequence similarity, prediction of sub-cellular location and disorder, visualisation of membrane protein topologies and protein complexes.